Results for 'Ephraim N. Glick'

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  1. What is a Singular Proposition?Ephraim N. Glick - 2018 - Mind 127 (508):1027-1067.
    An account of the distinction between singular and general propositions should reflect the core ideas that have motivated the distinction. Those core ideas can be appreciated independently of many commitments regarding the metaphysics of propositions, but theorists with differing views on the latter have given quite different explanations of what it is for a proposition to be singular or general. Many of those explanations turn out not to reflect the core ideas adequately after all, either by misclassifying certain propositions or (...)
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  2. Abilities and Know-How Attributions.Ephraim Glick - 2012 - In Jessica Brown & Mikkel Gerken, Knowledge Ascriptions. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Anti-Intellectualists about know-how , following Ryle, hold that knowing how to do something is simply having the ability to do it. With qualifications, I defend this traditional view. The central motivation is drawn from observations about what is involved in learning to do something. Two sorts of ability are distinguished and the thesis is defended against putative counterexamples.
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  3. Practical Modes of Presentation.Ephraim Glick - 2015 - Noûs 49 (3):538-559.
    The Intellectualist thesis that know-how is a kind of propositional knowledge faces a simple problem: For any proposition p, it seems that one could know p without knowing how to do the activity in question. For example, it seems that one could know that w is a way to swim even if one didn't know how to swim oneself. In this paper I argue that this “sufficiency problem” cannot be adequately addressed by appealing to practical modes of presentation.
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  4. Two Methodologies for Evaluating Intellectualism.Ephraim Glick - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (2):398-434.
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  5. A Modal Approach to Intentional Identity.Ephraim Glick - 2012 - Noûs 46 (3):386-399.
  6. Context, Content, and Epistemic Transparency.Mahrad Almotahari & Ephraim Glick - 2010 - Mind 119 (476):1067-1086.
    We motivate the idea that presupposition is a transparent attitude. We then explain why epistemic opacity is not a serious problem for Robert Stalnaker's theory of content and conversation. We conclude with critical remarks about John Hawthorne and Ofra Magidor's alternative theory.
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    The Argument for Propositions from Modal Validity.Ephraim Glick - 2017 - Analysis 77 (2):359-370.
    © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Analysis Trust. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] of the central goals of Propositions is to argue that propositions exist. My plan for the following is to explore the options for Merricks’s opponents. I’m not sure whether, in the end, they have any entirely satisfactory strategy, but the discussion will still be of some interest. At least I hope to achieve some clarification of the initial (...)
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    The political context of feminist attitudes in Israel.Ephraim Tabory & Dafna N. Izraeli - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (4):463-481.
    The purpose of the present study was to identify the sources of social support for feminist issues in Israel. Attitudes toward these issues as social problems and toward feminism as a social movement were examined through a questionnaire administered to 2,097 university students studying in the Tel Aviv area in 1985-1986. The study found that Israeli students who considered gender discrimination in promotion and prohibitions against abortion severe social problems were more likely to be on the political left, nonreligious or (...)
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    An adaptation of the Smedley hand dynamometer for use in measuring voluntary fatigue.R. F. Becker & H. N. Glick - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 27 (4):453.
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    Americana Iris N. W. Engstrand, Spanish scientists in the New World: the eighteenth century expeditions. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 220. £15.00/$25.00. [REVIEW]Thomas Glick - 1983 - British Journal for the History of Science 16 (3):322-322.
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  11. Aristotelʹ tėrgu̇u̇tėn. Aristotle, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Nicolas Boileau Despréaux, Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky, Sh Gaadamba & G. Bilgu̇u̇dėĭ (eds.) - 2020 - Ulaanbaatar: Khėvlėliĭn Gazar "Zhikom Press" KhKhK.
    Collection of works on literature theory, translated into Mongolian language.
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    Ephraim Shoham-Steiner, ed., Intricate Interfaith Networks in the Middle Ages: Quotidian Jewish-Christian Contacts. (Studies in the History of Daily Life [800–1600] 5.) Turnhout: Brepols, 2016. Pp. xii, 347; color plates and black-and-white figures. €95. ISBN: 978-2-503-5-4429-8. Table of contents available online at [REVIEW]Rena N. Lauer - 2022 - Speculum 97 (3):892-893.
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  13. Un siglo de darwinismo: un ensayo sobre la historia del pensamiento biológico en el Uruguay.Fernando Mañé Garzón - 1990 - Montevideo: Facultad de Medicina, Sección Historia de la Medicina.
    Extensa exposición de la recepción del darwinismo en el Uruguay, que llega hasta la actualidad. Salvo en épocas más recientes, las reacciones, en favor o en contra, fueron de índole ideológica más que científica, especialmente a partir del concocimiento de The descent of man. Las polémicas entre católicos y 'evolucionistas' tienen, según el autor, su punto candente entre 1871-90. Le siguió un período de mayor apaciguamiento, en que la cuestión se consideró en función de los desarrollos de la ciencia biológica. (...)
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    Le Laocoon de Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.Élisabeth Décultot - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 65 (2):197.
    Résumé — S’il fallait résumer les thèses défendues par Lessing dans le Laocoon, on arriverait à un résultat finalement malingre. L’idée que la peinture représente au moyen de « signes naturels » des corps coexistant dans l’espace, tandis que la poésie représente au moyen de « signes arbitraires » des actions se succédant dans le temps a été en effet maintes fois développée par d’autres auteurs avant l’essai de 1766. Ce constat n’ôte pourtant rien à l’intérêt du Laocoon. Car cet (...)
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    Le Laocoon de Gotthold Ephraim lessing. De l'imagination comme fondement d'une nouvelle méthode critique: Lessing.Elisabeth Décultot - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2:283-284.
    Résumé — S’il fallait résumer les thèses défendues par Lessing dans le Laocoon, on arriverait à un résultat finalement malingre. L’idée que la peinture représente au moyen de « signes naturels » des corps coexistant dans l’espace, tandis que la poésie représente au moyen de « signes arbitraires » des actions se succédant dans le temps a été en effet maintes fois développée par d’autres auteurs avant l’essai de 1766. Ce constat n’ôte pourtant rien à l’intérêt du Laocoon. Car cet (...)
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    Endocrinology: A brief introduction.DianaLong Hall & ThomasF Glick - 1976 - Journal of the History of Biology 9 (2).
  17. The Hegel of Coyoacán.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2021 - In Amy Allen & Eduardo Mendieta, Decolonizing ethics: the critical theory of Enrique Dussel. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
  18. Las evidencias del yo puro : una interpretación desde Ideas I.Hernán Alonso Jaramillo Fernández - 2013 - In Germán Vargas Guillén, La región de lo espiritual en el centenario de la publicación de Ideas I de E. Husserl. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
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    Tasan, kŭ egero kanŭn kil.Ŭn-mi Kim - 2014 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Tongnyŏk. Edited by Yŏng-U. Kim.
    ‘위인’ 정약용이 아닌 ‘인간’ 정약용을 찾아서... 한국 사상가들의 발자취를 찾아가는 ‘우리 인물 답사기’의 첫 책! 동녘 ‘우리 인물 답사기’ 시리즈의 첫 책. 이 시리즈는 철학 소설 형식으로 한국 사상가들의 삶과 사상을 들려준다. ‘달중과 미영’이라는 한국학을 공부하는 대학원생이 여러 인물들을 만나면서 그들과 대화를 하며 한국 사상가들을 인상적으로 스케치한다. 이 시리즈는 그동안 ‘위인’으로 바라보았던 사상가들의 얼굴을 한 겹 벗겨내고, 한 ‘인간’으로서의 모습을 그려내는 데 주력한다. 첫 번째로 찾아가는 인물은 18세기 실학사상을 집대성한 한국 최고의 학자이자 개혁가라고 평가받는 다산 정약용이다. 정약용에 관한 책은 많지만, (...)
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  20. Filosofía, sociedad, y educación: ensayos y artículos.Jorge Vázquez Piñón - 2001 - [México]: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.
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  21. Falāsifah Yūnānīyūn, al-ʻaṣr al-awwal.Jaʻfar Āl Yāsīn - unknown - [s.n.],:
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    Kkŭt naji anŭn kangyŏn: Ham Sŏk-hŏn miganhaeng kangyŏn yugojip.Sŏk-hŏn Ham - 2001 - Sŏul-si: Samin.
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    Nakchunghak: Chosŏn sidae Naktonggang chungnyu chiyŏk ŭi yuhak.Wŏn-sik Hong (ed.) - 2012 - Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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    Breve tratado de la ilusión.Julián Marías - 1985 - Madrid: Alianza.
    Movido no sólo por haber experimentado intensas ilusiones a lo largo de su vida, sino por su propia vocación teórica, y, una vez puesto a la tarea, por los sorprendentes hallazgos, en primer lugar, de que la palabra ilusión -«tan general, de tan larga historia, de tan claro linaje latino, común a tantas lenguas»- es algo privado del hispanohablante, y en segundo, de la casi absoluta ignorancia acerca de esta emoción, J. Marías aborda en este libro un insólito y fascinante (...)
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    Ortega y la idea de la razón vital.Julián Marías - 1948 - Madrid,: A. Zúñiga.
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  26. Entre la creación y la simulación en economía.Rubén Padlubne - 2014 - In Cristina Marta Ambrosini & Rubén Padlubne, Ficciones posibles: saberes filosóficos, semiológicos y científicos a través de la literatura. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Obras.Fernando Salmerón - 2000 - México, D.F.: El Colegio Nacional.
    1. Las mocedades de Ortega y Gasset -- 3. Filosofía y educación -- 5. Ensayos de filosofía moderna y contemporánea.
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  28. Kim Ok-kyun, Yu Kil-chun, Chu Si-gyŏng: Chosŏn ŭi kŭndae rŭl kaech'ŏk hada.Wŏn-sik Ch'oe - 2024 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ch'angbi.
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    Ch'ŏnjak: hanŭl i naerin yŏngwŏn han pyŏsŭl: sŏnbi ŭi sam esŏ saram ŭi kil ŭl ch'atta: sam ŭi haengbok ŭl ch'aja ttŏnanŭn kojŏn t'amsagi.Ki-hyŏn Kim - 2012 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Sŏhae Munjip.
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    Sara issŭm i haengbok haejinŭn hŭimang p'yŏnji.Sŏn-gyu Kim (ed.) - 2008 - Sŏul-si: Raendŏm Hausŭ.
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  31. Tsai kung tso han tou chêng chung yün yung pien chêng fa.Chʻün Li - 1960
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    Buscando a Dios en el universo: una cosmovisión sobre el sentido de la vida.Ramón Tamames - 2018 - Barcelona: Erasmus.
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    al-Insān nafsun wa jasd.Abū ʻAkar & Shawqī Amīn - 2017 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn.
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  34. al-Zamān al-dilālī: dirāsah lughawīyah li-mafhūm al-zamān wa-alfāẓihi fī al-thaqāfah al-ʻArabīyah.Ḥusām al-Dīn & Karīm Zakī - 1991 - [Cairo]: Maktabat al-Anjlū al-Miṣrīyah.
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  35. Las "escrituras creativas" como profesión : historia y problemas.Sebastián Pineda Buitrago - 2022 - In Sebastián Pineda Buitrago & José Sánchez Carbó, Literatura aplicada en el siglo XXI: ideas y prácticas. México: Editora Nómada.
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  36. Notas al pie de un zócalo vacío : situación del libro y de la lectura en México.Adolfo Castañón - 2014 - In Diego Valadés & Adolfo Castañón, Lengua oficial y lenguas nacionales en México. México, D.F: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.
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  37. segi Chungguk kŭndae chisik ŭi suyong kwa Chang Chi-dong : Chang Chi-dong ŭi "Kwŏnhak p'yŏn" ŭl chungsim ŭro.Yun Chi-wŏn - 2019 - In Kyŏng-nam Kim, Chisik ŭi kujo wa Han, Chung, Il chisik chihyŏng pyŏnhwa ŭi t'amsaek. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Kyŏngjin Ch'ulp'an.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico de investigación estética.Román de la Calle - 1986 - [Valencia]: Fundación Edivart.
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    Teoría de la educación.Joaquín García Carrasco - unknown - Salamanca (España): Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Edited by Angel García del Dujo.
    Teoría de la educación/J.García Carrasco.-v.1.
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    Nokpong Chŏngsa wa Chosŏn chunggi ŭi Nakchunghak.Wŏn-sik Hong (ed.) - 2020 - Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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    Ihak simhak nonjaeng, yŏnwŏn kwa chŏn'gae kŭrigo tŭksil ŭl nonhada =.Kab-yŏn Hwang - 2014 - Sŏul-si: Yemun Sŏwŏn.
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  42. Le Prabodhacandrodaya de Kṛṣṇamiśra: un drame allégorique sanskrit. Kṛṣṇamiśra - 1974 - Paris: Institut de civilisation indienne ; dépositaire exclusif, E. de Boccard. Edited by Armelle Pédraglio.
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  43. Esther Festini : filosofía natural en la transición peruana, siglo XIX-XX.Iván Natteri - 2012 - In Rubén Quiroz Ávila, Ciudadanías discursivas: la filosofía peruana en el siglo XIX. Lima, Perú: Instituto de Investigación del Pensamiento Peruano y Latinoamericano, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
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    Nuevos desafíos en el inicio de la vida: perspectivas ecuménicas en bioética: inicio de la vida humana, fertilización asistida, aborto.Rubén Revello & Daniel Carlos Beros (eds.) - 2014 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Editorial Croquis.
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  45. Derechos humanos en la antigüedad? : breve reflexión iusfilosófica.Hernán A. Ortiz Rivas - 1999 - In Luis Villar Borda, Modernidad y modernización: un compromiso filosófico. Barranquilla, Colombia: Fondo de Publicaciones, Universidad del Atlántico.
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    Nueva teoría cósmica y su aplicación a las ciencias naturales.Mariano N. Ruiz - 1925 - Comitan, Chiapas (Mexico): Imprenta del asilo Particio Sanz.
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    Ḥāshīyat al-ʻAllāmah al-Ṣabbān ʻalá sharḥ al-ʻAllāmah al-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-munuwraq fī ʻilm al-manṭiq.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ṣabbān - 2015 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Baṣāʼir. Edited by Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Mullawī.
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    Sibīnūzā wa-falsafat al-adyān.Marwān Sallāmī - 2018 - Tūnis: Dār al-Salām.
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  49. Đạo đức trong nền công vụ.Tử Hạ Tô, Anh Tuấn Trần & Thị Kim Thảo Nguyễn (eds.) - 2002 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Lao động-xã hội.
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    El buen político según Aristóteles.Iván Cadavid Guerrero - 2012 - Medellín, Colombia: Ediciones UNAULA.
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